It is know as the traditional custom of Spain, this fiesta origined in Iberians, it was Greek and Roman influences ...During the Middle Ages it was a diversion for the aristocracy to torear (bull-fighter) on horseback-a style known as suerte de caƱas.... In the 18th century this tradition was more or less abandoned and the poorer population invented bullfighting on foot. Francisco Romero was a key figure in laying down the rules for the new sport.....
In the 19th century to France, bullfighting spread from Spain to its Central and South American colonies where it developed into a distinctive form in its own right. It then become a popular entertainment in the around the nobles, which can use this to show their brave...
Bull fighting is a religious festivities and royal weddings were celebrated by fights in the local plaza, where noblemen would ride competing for royal favor, and the populace enjoyed the excitement.
The bullfighter will uses the muleta, a small red cloth draped from a stick. He has to show his mastery to dominate the bull, and to establish an artistic symbiosis between man and beast. The corrida ends with the torero using his sword to kill the bull
The costum in corrida:
The above torear is wearing a magenta clothes with golden emboridery..
mangeta and gold , black and white are in a complementery colour scheme..
mangeta and gold , black and white are in a complementery colour scheme..
Also, both are in high chroma but different hue...
It is aims as anger the bull, as the bull are colour blind, and they can only see the red thing..
That's how bull-fighting can perform...
That's how bull-fighting can perform...
For the above costum, triad colour scheme is applied. Where, blue, red and yellow is the 120 degree colour wheel around the colour wheel...
The clothes the torear wear is a little bit lower chroma than the previous one, it is a dark blue bolero and tight-fitted throusers with gold and white emboridery...
But the muleta( the cloth)is rather shape and eye-catching, it is in mangeta and yellow, it is a complementery colour..

For the above picture , we can easily see complimentary colour scheme is applied on his apple green cothes and red socks and muleta...Where the golden emboridery on this clothes match with his apple green are the adjacent colour...thus split complimentary scheme is used in it..
We can also see Lacroix using this principle applied in his collection:
S/S RTW 07

yellow and magenta are in complementary colour...
They are in same chroma but different hue...

The above outfit is using triad colour scheme.
also,yellow, red and blue are the primary colour.
they are on same chroma but different hue...

We can see the above outfit are using complementary colour scheme, they are green and mangeta , it is in same high chroma but different hue...Also , he is using the principle of novelty, it is not harmony but rather eye-catching and can draw people's attention...
To conclude, the bull-fighter's costom really affect Lacroix's design, not ony the silhouette, but also the colour used, complementary and triad colour scheme are usually used in torear's clothes, and they mainly in a high chroma, mainly aims as attracting people's attention...Where Lacroix, a bull-fighter and spainish lover also apply these factor in his collection....
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